How To Raise Others’ Aspirations in 17 Easy Steps

Things you can say to people in ten seconds that sometimes produce insanely outsized effects:

  1. Yeah, someone *should* do that. Why not you?

  2. Is there something you could do about that problem in the next five minutes?

  3. That's a great thought - have you written it up somewhere? I'd be excited to share it if so.

  4. Should you write a book / blog?

  5. You want to do that but don't think you will? Do you want to make a concrete plan now?

  6. Do you want me to ask in a week / month if you've done that or how it's going?

  7. Feeling stuck sucks. Want to brainstorm together?

  8. Feeling stuck sucks. Have you spent a five minute timer generating options?

  9. What's the twenty minute / minimum viable product version of this overwhelming-feeling thing?

  10. Do you want me to sit with you while you fill out that application/write that email? Too bad, it's happening.

  11. Is it worth just asking / cold emailing and seeing?

  12. Is there anyone I know who you'd like to be introduced to?

  13. Do you want to just set an alarm on your phone now as a reminder? (from Damon Sasi)

  14. Do you know anyone else who might have struggled with or succeeded at that? Have you talked to them about it? (from Damon Sasi)

  15. Who do you know who you could ask for help from?

  16. You are Allowed (to try, to do, to build, to ask)

  17. Do you sort of already know what you're going to do / have your mind made up about this?

Original twitter thread

Tyler Cowen: The high-return activity of raising others’ aspirations


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